You and I both know you want a career that’s more than just a J-O-B.

You want to wake up excited about what’s ahead and leave at the end of the day, feeling satisfied with the work you put in.

But let’s be real – the things you’ve been doing to find that perfect, this-is-what-I’ve-been-waiting-for! career change have not been working.

Frantically searching “How to find a fulfilling career” on Google? Not working.

Asking your girlfriends for the answers after two glasses of wine? Fun – but definitely not working.

So how do you find the perfect position that makes you feel excited about heading into the office?

First of all, you have to quit winging it. This is your life, after all.

You need to be intentional about your choices and have a clear plan for finding and landing a job that’ll be the perfect fit for your unique goals and experience.

In my program, the Ideal Career Academy (← which is open for enrollment! Let’s talk.), I teach the 4 key components for finding a corporate career you love (none of that work-eat-sleep-repeat nonsense that leaves you a hot, unhappy mess).

Here’s a breakdown of the four essential steps that make up the core of this process…


Step 1: Get Clear on Your Vision for an Inspiring Career

The first step is getting super clear about what you actually want. One of the reasons you’ve been bouncing around, landing in roles that aren’t a good fit, and hating your work life is that you haven’t envisioned what your perfect career looks like.

Think about your ideal day. What kind of work would you be doing? How would interactions with your boss and team play out? How would you feel as you arrived in the morning and left each evening?

You have to know what you desire in order to create it.


Step 2: Identify Your Next  Ideal Career Move

Next you want to find the specific job or role that you’ll transition into. You’ve already outlined what you want, now it’s time to find it (it does exist!) and figure out the steps to make it yours.


Step 3: Design Your Rockstar Profesh Brand

Can you articulate your professional cred so that you’re the only one they want for the job? That’s what creating a standout brand will help you do.

You have to think about what sets you apart and makes your unique experience and skills truly shine. This will help you sell yourself confidently on your resume, on LinkedIn, and in the interview for your desired job.


Step 4: Strategize Your Job Search

Making your next career move can be a little cray-cray and time consuming, so it’s essential to have a solid plan.

This step is all about mapping out your approach, breaking your goals down into individual tasks, and scheduling them into your calendar.

Remember, a goal without a plan is just a wish. I know you’re past the wishing phase and ready to rock this.

To your highest success!

P.S. Ready to find your fulfilling corporate career? If you’re so over settling for jobs you hate and work that leaves you less than satisfied, I have a special invite for you, my friend…

I’ve created a program that guides you step-by-step through my signature system to finding the work you’re truly meant to do. You’ll have access to my absolute best tools, insight, lessons, and insider secrets that will help you create the career path you’ve been wishing for.

If you’re a professional woman who’s serious about making the next phase of your career the best you’ve ever had, all while building your financial future and creating a lifestyle you’re absolutely in love with – let’s chat.


Comment  – yes please – below if you want to learn more. I will get in touch!


Cindy Harvey is a Career Strategy Coach and Founder of Amelia Dee, a career strategy company for women. Cindy helps corporate career women learn how to make the next phase of their careers the most fulfilling version they’ve ever had.

© Amelia Dee Consulting, All Rights Reserved


  1. Traci

    Yes please!!!!

    • Cindy Harvey

      Hey hey Traci, keep you eye on your inbox. An email is coming your way! 🙂

  2. Steph Hunt

    Yes please

    • Cindy Harvey

      Thanks for commenting Steph! An email is on the way over to you.

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